Our Basic Manners Programs

Whether your dog struggles with leash pulling, jumping on people, reactivity, or selective hearing, we’ll help you unlock your dog's full potential and create a harmonious and joyful relationship that lasts a lifetime.

Unleashed potential: Effective adult dog training for your companion.

At Absolute Angel Dog Training, we understand that adult dogs also deserve specialized training to enhance their behavior and strengthen the bond with their owners. Through positive reinforcement and expert guidance, we aim to transform your adult dog into a well-behaved and attentive companion. Our programs create a fun and friendly environment for both you and your furry friend, making each training session a positive experience.

The Sainthood Program


Tired of your dog’s constant pulling on the leash making your walks unenjoyable and more of a burden? Irritated that your dog doesn’t come to you when you call them? Are you too embarrassed to invite guests into your home because your dog is constantly jumping on them?

Now imagine looking forward to a simple walk with your dog and no longer feeling a sense of dread when you grab the leash. Feel the relief of having your dog listen and respond to you when you call them. You can have guests in your home without needing to put your dog in the crate or another room. Picture what it would be like to leave the kitchen knowing your food will still be there when you return.

This program is great for owners who want a well-behaved dog around the home and who want to be an active participant in their dog’s training success. At the end of this program, people will be commenting on how “saintly” your dog acts!

The Angel Program


Are you so frustrated and embarrassed by your dog’s behavior that you need your dog trained as soon as possible? Or maybe you’ve watched video after video, trying to train the dog yourself with little success? Now imagine having a well-mannered dog in as little as 3 weeks! That’s right, even for your dog.

With the Angel Program, we do much of the training for you. This program is designed to give you the same results as the Sainthood Program, only quicker and better!

Included in this program is one full day of training at our training area to help “jumpstart” your dog’s training and address specific issues. The remaining lessons include one and a half (1.5) hour private lessons twice a week. The first hour is “dog only” training for fast, reliable results and the remaining half hour is owner instruction so you can still be an active participant in your dog’s training in between lessons.

Superior Canine VIP Program


Do you see people at dog-friendly establishments enjoying time with their calm dogs and secretly wish you could bring your dog there too? Are you yearning for your dog to have impeccable manners both at home and in public but sometimes feel guilty because you have limited time to devote to training?

Balancing work demands, family obligations, and dog training can be a challenge for busy dog owners. The solution? The Superior Canine VIP!

You no longer need to worry about prioritizing work or training over the other. No more struggling to find a qualified and experienced dog trainer to provide one-on-one attention to your dog, who is available when you are, and who can work with your schedule. With the Superior Canine VIP program, you can have your bone and chew it too!

This program consists of three training components: 1. Day training, 2. In-person private lessons, and 3. Virtual lessons. This ensures that you and the dog receive professional, continuous training at your convenience in any type of environment.

Our Success Stories

Meet Laura Pezzulo

Nice to meet you! I’m Laura, Owner of Absolute Angel Dog Training. I’m proudly certified through the International School of Certified Dog Trainers and a professional member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers.