Training Starts Now: Basic Commands Every Puppy Should Learn

(Part 12 of our “12 Pups Prancing: A Canine Christmas Countdown” Blog Series)

Amidst the laughter and cuddles of a new puppy, it's essential to remember that the foundation of a well-behaved dog starts with early training. Basic commands are the building blocks of good behavior, forming the groundwork for a lifelong partnership between you and your dog. In this blog, we will explore the importance of early training, introduce essential commands, and delve into positive reinforcement techniques that make the learning process enjoyable for both you and your puppy. And yes, it’s ok (and even encouraged) to start training at 8 weeks old!

The Significance of Early Training

Puppies are like sponges, eagerly soaking up information from their surroundings. This makes the early months of a puppy's life a critical period for learning and development. Early training not only fosters good behavior but also prevents undesirable habits in adulthood, much like teaching manners to children.  Addressing issues before they become ingrained habits is much easier than correcting them later.

Starting training early also creates a strong bond between you and your puppy as dogs look to owners for guidance and leadership. Training fosters communication and understanding, laying the foundation for a harmonious relationship. Learning commands and receiving positive reinforcement boosts a puppy's confidence. This self-assuredness will carry into various aspects of their life, contributing to a well-adjusted and happy dog.

Basic commands such as "come" and "stay" are crucial for your puppy's safety. Teaching them these commands can prevent accidents and ensure a level of control in various situations.

Essential Commands for Every Puppy

So, what are some commands your puppy should know? Here are what I consider essential commands that will set the stage for a safe and well-mannered canine companion:

  1. Sit - Because Standing is Overrated: The "sit" command is a fundamental skill that every dog should learn. It serves as a basic form of control and helps in various situations, such as when putting on their leash or waiting for food. Teaching them to "sit" not only prevents them from moving away but also serves as the cornerstone of canine courtesy. After all, a polite puppy is a popular puppy.

  2. Down - Because Couch Potatoes Aren't Just for Humans: "Down" isn't just a command; it's a lifestyle choice. Encouraging your pup to take a load off and calm down ensures that they're the most chilled member of your household.

  3. Stay - A Masterclass in Statue Impersonation: We've all marveled at statues, those stoic monuments of stillness. Now, imagine your pup channeling their inner Michelangelo's David – minus the nudity, of course. Teaching your puppy to "stay" is crucial for their safety. This command prevents impulsive behavior, like bolting out an open door, and keeps them in one place until you give them the signal to move.

  4. Come - The Ultimate Recall: The "come" command is indispensable, especially in outdoor environments. A reliable recall ensures that your puppy will return to you promptly, whether they're exploring the backyard or meeting new friends at the park.

  5. Leave It - The Art of Snack Avoidance: In a world filled with tempting treasures like discarded food and mysteriously acquired socks, "leave it" helps prevent curious puppies from grabbing or eating something they shouldn't. This command is particularly valuable during walks or in situations where there are potential hazards.

  6. Drop –The Ability to Relinquish: The "drop" command is akin to a magical spell that prompts immediate release of whatever object a dog has in its jaws. “Drop” is essential in preventing serious injury or illness when a dog picks up potentially harmful items. Beyond safety, "drop" transforms interactions like tug-of-war into a game of cooperation in which your dog readily relinquishes control over their own possessions.

  7. Heel - Mastering Leash Etiquette: In a universe adorned with enticing scents and fascinating distractions, the "heel" command emerges as the guiding star for teaching puppies the art of walking nicely on a leash. Designed to curb pulling tendencies and make walks fun, "heel" ensures that curious pups refrain from exploring potentially dangerous or inappropriate areas.

Positive Reinforcement Techniques 

Positive reinforcement is a powerful and humane training method that focuses on rewarding desired behaviors rather than punishing unwanted ones. The use of food and verbal praise serves as a powerful motivator. Positively reinforcing your puppy for successfully following commands encourages them to repeat desired behaviors.

Use of positive tones and body language (hand signals) cannot be overstated as dogs are highly attuned to these cues. A positive and encouraging tone during commands, coupled with appropriate body language, help reinforce your training cues effectively. 

Consistency is key. Dogs thrive on routine and clarity, so using the same cues and rewards consistently will help them understand what is expected.

Keep training sessions short and fun! Puppies have inherently short attention spans, so sessions lasting no more than 5-10 minutes are optimal. End each session on a positive note, even if it involves celebrating a minor achievement. This will help reinforce the positive experience.

Patience and understanding are virtues emphasized in puppy training. Mistakes are an inevitable part of the learning process for puppies, and a patient approach is essential. Avoid scolding or punishing them for errors; instead, redirect their focus and reward correct behavior to create a positive learning environment.

Wrapping It Up

Training your puppy is a rewarding journey that contributes to the development of a well-behaved and happy dog. The early months of a puppy's life are a golden opportunity to instill good behavior and prevent the emergence of undesirable habits. By introducing essential commands and employing positive reinforcement techniques, you not only build a strong foundation for obedience but also strengthen the bond between you and your dog. Remember, training starts now – seize the opportunity to shape a lifetime of joyful companionship with your puppy.

Want more personalized expert guidance?

Get your puppy off to a fantastic start with one of Absolute Angel's puppy programs! We specialize in essential manners and social skills during those crucial early weeks of puppyhood. The biggest difference among our puppy programs is how much direct help from the trainer you prefer and what you want your puppy to learn. And because we offer training at your home, you can start your puppy as early as 8 weeks old! If you would like to learn more about our puppy programs, I invite you to book a FREE 60-minute virtual consultation with me in which we will discuss our programs, training methods, and goals for your dog in more detail.

Email me today ( to schedule and let's start this exciting adventure together!


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